Monday, May 31, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Welcome to this new window into my home and garden.

Many times I have heard about surrounding oneself with things and people that bring happiness and enjoyment into your life. My home is full of things that make me happy; old stuff, family pictures, agreeable colors, a working fireplace, cast iron pots, shelf lined books, canning jars, English made cups and plates, baskets, and some things that really have no particular use except that I like them and they make me feel good.
Home is were the heart is, so in my surroundings I seek to create a peaceful, calm and loving spirit. My gardens are at the moment needing some good weeding. The sage bush is big around as a # three wash tube. Rosemary is abundant. Honey bees are busy in the blooms of the sage and lambs ear. Eight volunteer common milkweed plants have taken on a prime position in one bed - hoping they will attract Monarch butterflies. A row of phlox is waist high. Anticipating their bright pink and purple flowers. Birds fly to the feeders like a busy airport. Their songs are my music. The gardens and yard along with my house are far from perfect and there are always projects to tackle. It all makes me happy - the antique table, the old cookbooks, the yard sale finds, the herbs, the mulch pile, the darling photos of my grand children stuck to the frig, and even the unfinished tasks. It is all who I am.

God has blessed me with a home and garden and he has brought some very special people to my path. Those people are my dear family and sweet friends. My niece encouraged me to start a blog and helped make the arrangements. For that I am grateful. Thank you Christine.

In time I will be adding items of interest and photos to the blog. Hope you will come a visit again.

With kindest regards,

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1 comment:

  1. I love your writing so much, and I am excited that I had the privilege of helping you bring it to the world! I also love that your house is full of "agreeable colors" :)
